Chemical Extravaganza

Hi Everyone,

Where does the time go...? It's nearly the end of August! Sadly the evenings are drawing in far too quickly... it's been such a strange summer but I'm not ready to say goodbye to it just yet.

I've been incredibly busy but as I sit down to write, I struggle to account for the time. As the days roll by I potter around, see friends and enjoy myself out and about. There is some photography too but maybe there could've been more, quite a bit more if I am honest.

I feel in a strange place photographically. So far this year my Book and my Exhibition have been huge focal points demanding time in my studio in order to meet various commitments. I don't have a specific deadline just now and I feel myself drifting. I think in some ways I have earned a little downtime but I need to make sure it's not too long. As the evenings draw in hopefully in the focus will return (fingers crossed!).

Time for a new Project?

I haven't been completely idle though. The last body of work produced from a single image was 'Believe', a project of which I am incredibly proud but it was time to get my act together and start messing around again. I am sure we all have images which we know have potential but those possibilities remain elusive until something clicks. The source underpinning this next project is one such image; a multiple exposure taken while in India March 2020.

As soon as I saw it on the back of my camera I knew that at some point I would have fun with it. I still don't really know why some images resonate in this way, maybe if I knew it would be too easy to become formulaic, a horrific thought! In simple terms, it has strong lines, shapes and repeating patterns, something to work with. This is the Raw file as it came out of my camera.

While working on the file, I started to see elements which reminded me of celebration; fireworks and sparklers. This gave me a theme to explore alongside the image creation. I could now look for words to go with the images.

It seems that fireworks have an interesting history originating by accident in China when bamboo was used as fuel source. When heated it made a cracking sound. A few centuries later a crude 'gunpowder' mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur was poured into the hollowed-out bamboo and the first fireworks were born. The variety we have today is largely due to a wide range of chemical mixes and their different reactions when heated. I had a lovely time researching all of this...

Chemical Extravaganza

I wanted this body of work to be a celebration. To reflect my decision to live in the moment and enjoy the life I am crafting for myself. As time rolls by I remember to be positive about the choices I make, to never have regrets, and to grab any opportunity that comes my way. So far so good… it's certainly freeing…

I realise that there are no good decisions or bad decisions, 'nothing is until perception makes it so'; each is a learning opportunity which enriches over time if we give it a chance. So now I want to celebrate.

I have always been fascinated by the ways that we celebrate, particularly New Year, a symbol of new beginnings. Going back centuries we find the Chinese burning dry bamboo, the cracking sound protecting against monsters. Today we have colossal displays across the globe as the clocks turn midnight.

Over time we have harnessed the power of chemicals in so many aspects and without their ability to burn at different wavelengths we wouldn’t have our many and varied fireworks to mark significant life events.

For me, a firework is one of the few things in life which serve absolutely no purpose other than to bring joy. Hopefully, this panel reflects that sentiment.

Until next time...

So that's it for this month. I fear my mojo might be about to go for a wander as I latch on to endless trivial distractions. My goal for the next couple of weeks is to print some of the images in this panel. I don't have much of a reason to print now that my exhibition is almost (but not quite...) finished so I need to remember that I originally created physical work simply for the joy of it. That's a good enough reason, I need to hold on to that and get cracking.

Anyway, please let me know what you think. I will always reply.

Thank you for getting this far and take care

L  xx

Quick links to previous blogs...

Time for Fireworks?

By Linda Bembridge | July 26, 2022

Hi Everyone, What a month we have had here in the South of England. The weather has been extreme! We’ve had our hottest day ever recorded at just over 40 degrees C! As a nation, we are not geared up for these temperatures and large swathes of the country predictably ground to a halt as […]

Finding My Mojo

By Linda Bembridge | June 3, 2022

Hi Everyone, I hope we are all safe and well in this increasingly crazy world. It’s been quite a few weeks since my last blog mainly due to the complete shutdown of my creative brain. Alarming to say the least. I can now see the world through some sort of colourful lens again so it’s time […]

And Breathe…

By Linda Bembridge | April 27, 2022

Hi Everyone, It’s been a while since my last blog, where do the days go! It’s been such a strange time since deciding to go ahead with my book, almost as if life has been put on hold. I can’t tell you how many times I have woken in the depths of night, absolutely terrified […]


  • A fab series Linda and they really are very lively and joyful! I have some favourites but love the colours in all of them.
    Hopefully catch up soon now life is a little quieter?

    • Hi Zara,
      How lovely to hear from you. I am so pleased you like the images… I wanted them to be colourful and I think I may have ticked that box.
      Hope you have had a lovely summer and yes, it really would be great to have that lunch that we never quite managed a month or so ago… I will message separately and we will get something in the diary…
      Thanks again and take care
      L xx

  • Hello Linda,
    Your images, as always, are both inspirational and inspiring. I have an ambivalent view of big firework. displays. They are indeed very beautiful but could the money rather be spent on more important things?
    I note that you have made time to tidy up your studio: do you have time to tidy up my study???!!! This is a daunting task..
    Be well and creative,

    • Hi Justin,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I am so pleased you like the new work – and yes, I am with you on the fireworks – the most efficient way to set fire to a pile of cash!
      And yes, lots of time tidying up which has been time week spent; at least I can find everything now which is proving to be highly useful. Unfortunately, I am back in the groove now so no time for anyone else’s study 🙂
      Hope all is well with you and that you are motoring along the creative highway.
      Take care and wishing you well
      L xx

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